for California Governor

California is a mess — it's too expensive, our teachers are underpaid, and our schools aren't good enough.

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Let's Move California Forward

5 million new homes

We can drastically cut the cost of living by building more homes. California is 49th in the country in homes per person. It's time to build!

$140,000 Teacher Salary

We should invest in our children like they are our future. Their teachers should be paid and respected like doctors and lawyers.

Electrify everything by 2030

Go full YOLO on electrifying everything. Buy back gas cars. Ban natural gas. Create hella jobs. Speed up the future!

California Sovereign Wealth Fund

Invest in the companies started in California. Reap hella profits when they succeed, use that money to pay for schools.

$1,000/mo Free Money

If we just gave people free money, we could greatly reduce our dead-in-last-place poverty rate. No strings attached.

Our Own Damn Satellites

I dunno Jerry Brown thought it was cool in the 70s to have a California satellite and it still seems kinda cool. Give everyone free internet!